Example Codes
Don't worry! There is a guide here consists of example codes for warming you up. You can just copy (Ctrl+C) and paste (Ctrl+V) to run, then modify it.
Create random points.
var count = 6; for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) { var x = getRandomInt(100, view.size.width - 100); //random int between 100 and width-100 var y = getRandomInt(100, view.size.height - 100); printLog('x:'+x+', y:'+y) // log the result in log window var tmpP = new TextPoint(x,y); // it creates a visual point with a text }
By accepting view center as origin this code puts 6 TextPoint's with different radius.
var count = 6; var origin = view.size/2; // scene center for (var i = 0; i < count;i++) { var vector = new Point({ // a Point not visual angle: 360/count * i, // change angle as from 0 to 300 length: getRandomInt(50,200) // random int between 50 and 200 }); var location = origin+vector; printLog(location) // log the result in log window new TextPoint(location) // a visual point }
Using point subtraction, create two vectors and determine the direction points create
var p0 = new TextPoint(100,100); // create a visual point with text at 100,100 var p1 = new TextPoint(200,200); var p2 = new TextPoint(100,300); var v1 = subtract(p1, p0); // create a vector p0 -> p1 var v2 = subtract(p2, p1); var dir = v1.cross(v2) > 0 ? 'left' : 'right'; // cross product printLog(dir)